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병적 비만, 다낭성 난소 증후군, 수면 무호흡증성 비만, 청소년 비만, 갱년기 골다공증, VISA 검진, 종합검진, 보톡스, 피부질환, 레이저 치료


2014- 가천의대 부속 동인천 길 병원 가정의학과 과장
2013-2014. 왈레스 기념 부산 침례 병원 가정의학과 과장/ 검진 센터 소장
2009-2010. 홍익 병원 가정의학과 과장/수련 부장
2004-2008. 가천의대 중앙 길병원 가정의학과 주임 교수
1994-1997. 강남 미즈메디 병원 가정의학과 과장
1993-1994. 연세대학교 세브란스 병원 가정의학 교실 강사
1990-1993. 사우디 파병, 국군 수도 병원 응급실장, 특진실장
1987-1990. 신촌 연세의료원 가정의학과 전공의.
1987-2000. 연세대학교 의학사, 의학 석사, 의학 박사


2016. 3. Thiamin, Riboflavin and Niacin intake would be a protective determinant against systolic blood pressures in apparently healthy Korean women irrespective of hormonal status. (poster) The 4th International Conference on Pre-Hypertension, Hypertension and Cardio Metabolic Syndrome

2015. 11. Clinical Efficacy of Fat Reduction on the Thigh of Korean Women through Cryolipolysis. Poster. Obesity 2015. 11. The relation between blood PbB concentration and body mass index in healthy Korean general population. poster. Korean Obesity

2015. 8. Body Composition and Metabolic Risk Variables for Obesity in Korean Healthy Women. original. J of Nutritional Disorders & therapy

2015. 5. Clinical efficacy of weight and body fat using by hutermin/ topiramate/aphein to Korean overweight subjects for 4 weeks. poster. Obesity facts

2015. 5. Phentermine/topiramate/ephedrine with coffee shows to weight management in obesity for 4 weeks, especially those with high VAT and hyperglycemia. poster Obesity Facts.

2015. 5. DXA-derived body fat indices of properly controlled hypertensive patients are lower than those of non-properly controlled patients in Korean women. poster. Obesity Facts

2014. 4. Visceral fat is the best fatness indicator related with metabolic variables. Poster. Korean Obesity

2014. 12 2014 Clinical practice Guidelines for Overweight and Obesity in Korea. Original. Korean Obesity

2014. 11. Visceral to subcutaneous fat ratio was the meaningful metabolic indicator among body composition tools in obese subjects. poster. Obesity Reviews

2014. 11. The Central fatness is crucial to menopause in obese women poster. Obesity Reviews

2014. 5. Visceral fat was the significant metabolic determinant among various fatness markers. poster. Obesity facts

2014. Jan Clinical Efficacy of Fat Reduction on the Thigh of Korean Women through Cryolipolysis. Original. Obesity & Weight Loss Journal

2011. 5. Waist to height ratio was a significant determinant to the aortic stiffness. poster. Obesity Reviews

2010. 10. Clinical Efficacy of Local Fat Reduction on the Thigh of Korean Women by comparing between Cryolipolysis and Radio frequency method. poster. Korean Obesity

2010. 10. Visceral Fat Might Be a Significant Metabolic Marker in Korean. poster. Obesity

2010. 10. Serum Ferritin Was Interlocked With Aortic Stiffness in Obese Hypertensive Diabetic Koreans. poster. Obesity

2010. 9. Serum ferritin is linked with aortic stiffness in apparently healthy Korean women. Original. Critical Pathway in Cardiology

2010. 7. CEA (Carcino Embryonic Antigen) might be an equivocal factor with Pressure Wave Velocity according to obesity. poster. Obesity Review

2010. 7. Fasting Blood Glucose be an independently meaningful indicator to Proteinuria in Korean obese population. poster. Obesity Review

2010. 4. White Blood Cell Counts are considered as significant metabolic variables in Korean Obese Subjects. poster. Korean Obesity

2009. 10. Uric acid might be as an independent protective factor to progress to overt diabetes in the Koreans with metabolic syndrome. poster. Obesity

2009. 10. Fasting plasma glucose was closely enmeshed with obesity in Koreans. poster Obesity

2008. 12. Cut-off values of bodyfat for the diagnosis of obesity in elementary school. Original. Korean Obesity

2008. 8. Association between bone mass density and homocysteine of postmenopausal women. Original. Korean Menopause J

2008. 10. Development of models for prediction biological age with physical, biochemical and hormonal parameters. Original. Arch. of Gerontology and Geriatrics

2008. 10. A large consumption of coffee correlated with lower HDL-Cholesterol and higher triglyceride levels in Korean people. poster. Obesity

2008 Two cases of Dengue Fever. Original. Korean Academy of Family Medicine

2007. 2. Uric acid as an Important Monitoring Indicator in Korean with Poor-Controlled Diabetes. poster. 4thAsianOceaniaConferenceofObesity


대한 비만 학회 교육 위원장
전 대한 비만 학회 연수 위원장
전 대한 비만 학회 국제 협력 위원장
전 대한 비만 학회 홍보 위원장
전 대한 비만 학회 기회 위원장
전 대한 비만 학회 행동 요법 위원장
전 대한 가정의학회 홍보 이사
전 대한 노화 방지 학회 홍보 이사
전 아시아-오세아니아 비만 학회 홍보 위원장
2014. 교육부 장관 (비만 예방 공로) 표창장
2015. EBS 명의, JTBC 신인류 식품관
1993-2005: 호기심천국, 무엇이든 물어보세요, 생로병사 등 전
㈜ 바이오 스페이스 초대 주주

대사 증후군의 관리 진료실 가이드. 대한 비만 학회
비만 치료 지침 2014. 2012. 2009.
임상 비만학
최신 가정의학 교과서 2007.

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