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의료진소개 전문적인 한방진료와 한방, 양방 협진을 통해 체계화 된 진료시스템이 구축되어 있습니다.
진료안내 의료진소개
1) 관절 및 척추질환 : 퇴행성 관절염, 척추 디스크 질환, 척추관협착증, 좌골신경통. 2) 통증 질환 : 경항통, 요통, 어깨통증, 근육의 긴장 및 통증, 근육경련, 아킬레스건염, 족저근막염. 3) 교통사고 후유증 및 상해 : 교통사고 및 상해로 인한 염좌 및 후유 증상. 4) 안면질환 : 안면마비, 안면경련, 안면통증 등. 5) 비만 크리닉 : 전신비만 및 국소비만(복부비만 등).
가천대학교 한의과대학 조교수 한의학박사, 침구과 전문의 동신대학교 한의과대학 졸업 동신대학교 대학원 침구학 석사 동신대학교 대학원 침구학 박사 동신목동한방병원 침구과 전문의 대한한방의료봉사단(KOMSTA) 이사(현) 대한침구의학회 정회원(현) 경희봄한의원 부원장(전) 미소들병원 한방과장(전) 몸이편안한의원 부원장(전)
Effects of Selection Method of Acupuncture between the Affected Part and the Unaffected Part on Peripheral Facial Nerve Paralysis in the Incipient Stage. J Acupunct Res. 2009;26(6):179-186. Experimental Study of Taegye(KI3) ․ Taebaek(SP3) Draining Acupuncture on the Improrement of Cerebral Blood Flow and Arterial Blood Pressure. J Acupunct Res. 2010;27(3):47-57. Effects of Zhiyin(BL67) and Shangyang(LI1) Reinforcement in Acupuncture on the Changes of Cerebral Blood Flow and Blood Pressure in Rats. J Acupunct Res. 2012;29(2):73-88. Analysis of Trend of Studies on Microneedle Treatment System (MTS). Journal of Pharmacopuncture. 2021;24(4):182-90. A Review of Acupuncture Treatment for Infertility. J Acupunct Res. 2021;38(4):257-64. Study of Latest Trend on Acupuncture for Obesity Treatment. Journal of Pharmacopuncture. 2021;24(4):173-81.
보양, 근골격계 각종 경근손상, 안면신경마비, 관절 염증성질환, 암성통증 및 제반 증상 관리
현)가천대학교 한의과대학 학과장전)가천대학교 부속길한방병원장현)대한한의학회 부회장현)대한한의사협회 학술국제이사전)대한한의학회 국제이사전)대한한의학회 기획총무이사전)대한한의학회 보험이사현)대한침구의학회 부회장, 편집위원장(Journal of Acupuncture Research)현)한방척추관절학회 부회장현)대한약침학회 학술위원전)한국한의학교육평가원 평가 부단장전)한국보건의료인국가시험원 이사현)한국한의학교육평가원이사현)건강보험심사평가원 한방의료행위전문평가위원현)건강보험심사평가원 비상근 심사위원
Kim JA, Yun HM, Jin P, Lee HP, Han JY, Udumula V2 Moon DC, Han SB, Oh KW, Ham YW, Jung HS, Song HS, Hong JT. Inhibitory effect of a 2,4-bis(4-hydroxyphenyl)-2-butenal diacetate on neuro-inflammatory reactions via inhibition of STAT1 and STAT3 activation in cultured astrocytes and microglial BV-2 cells. Neuropharmacology. 2014. 79, 467-87. Kollipara PS, Kim JH, Won D, Lee SM, Sung HC, Chang HS, Lee KT, Lee KS, Park MH, Song MJ, Song HS, Hong JT. Co-culture with NK-92MI cells enhanced the anti-cancer effect of bee venom on NSCLC cells by inactivation of NF-kB. ARCHIVES OF PHARMACAL RESEARCH. 2014. 37(3), 379-89. Kollipara PS, Won do H, Hwang CJ, Jung YY, Yoon HS, Park MH, Song MJ, Song HS, Hong JT. Enhanced anti-cancer effect of snake venom activated NK cell on lung cancer cells by inactivation of NF-kB. BIOMOLECULES & THERAPEUTICS. 2014. 22(2), 106-13. Dong Ju Son, Jun Kang, Tack Joong Kim, Ho-Sueb Song Ki-Joong Sung, Do Young Yun, Jin Tae Hong. Melittin, A Major Bioactive Component of Bee Venom Toxin, Inhibits PDGF Receptor Beta-tyrosine Phosphorylation and Downstream Intracellular Signal transduction in Rat Aortic Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells. JOURNAL OF TOXICOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH-PART A. 2007. 1350-1355. Dong Ju Son, Jae Woong Lee, Young Hee Lee, Ho Sueb Song,Chong Kil Lee, Jin Tae Hong. Therapeutic application of anti-arthritis, pain-releasing, and anti-cancer effects of bee venom and its constituent compounds. Pharmacology & therapeutics. 2007. 246-270. Hye Ji Park , Dong Ju Son , Chung Woo Lee , Myoung Suk Cho , Ung Soo Lee, Ho Sueb Song , Jeong Min Lee, Jin Tae Hong. Melittin inhibits inflammatory target gene expression and mediator generation via interaction with IkappaB kinase. BIOCHEMICAL PHARMACOLOGY. 2007. 237-247.
통증질환, 척추디스크질환, 관절염각종 사고 후유증(교통사고, 산업재해)안면마비, 안면경련, 삼차신경통 한방 비만·미용클리닉 (복부비만, 지방간, 안면정화, 동안침 등)
경원대학교(현 가천대학교) 한의과대학 졸업 동국대학교 대학원 한의학 석사, 박사 동국대학교 분당한방병원 침구과 전공의 수료 및 전문의 취득 (전) 경희강남한의원 원장 (전) 한서대학교 한방병원 원장 및 대우조교수 (전) 동국대학교 한방신약개발센터 연구초빙교수(전) 동국대학교 한의과대학 외래강사(전) 대한한의통증제형학회 교육이사 (현) 가천대학교 한의과대학 부교수
Effects of Zingiber officinale extract on collagen-induced arthritis in mice and IL-1 beta-induced inflammation in human synovial fibroblasts. European Journal of Inflammation. 2017;15(3):168-178.MOK, a pharmacopuncture medicine, regulates thyroid dysfunction in L-thyroxin-induced hyperthyroidism in rats through the regulation of oxidation and the TRPV1 ion channel. BMC complementary and alternative medicine. 2017:17(1): 535. Effects of MOK, a pharmacopuncture medicine, on the TH1/TH2 immune response and antioxidation in Con A-stimulated primary mouse splenocytes. Journal of Acupuncture Research. 2017: 34(2): 39-48.MOK, a Pharmacopuncture Medicine, Reduces Inflammatory Response through Inhibiting the Proinflammatory Cytokine Production in LPS-stimulated Mouse Peritoneal Macrophages. Journal of Acupuncture Research. 2017;34(2): 39-48.Effects of the flower buds extract of Tussilago farfara on focal cerebral ischemia in rats and inflammatory response in BV2 microglia. Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine (accepted)Therapeutic eEffects of aAcupuncture with MOK, a polyherbal medicine, on PTU-induced hypothyroidism in rats. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine (accepted)Cinnamomum cassia Prevents High-Fat Diet-Induced Obesity in Mice through the Increase of Muscle Energy. The American journal of Chinese medicine. 2017;45(05): 1017-1031.Epimedium koreanum Nakai and its main constituent icariin suppress lipid accumulation during adipocyte differentiation of 3T3-L1 preadipocytes. Chinese journal of natural medicines. 2016:14(9):671-676.Effects study of Aconiti Lateralis Radix Preparata extract on the regulation of heat and cold in PTU-induced hypothyroidism rats. The Korea journal of herbology. 2016:31(6):63-71.
대한침구의학회 회원 대한한방비만학회 회원 한방초음파학회 회원 KOMSTA(대한한방해외의료봉사단) 단원가천대학교부속길한방병원 임상시험윤리심의위원회 위원대한면역약침학회 편집위원 Journal of Acupuncture Research (JAR) managing editor